Open Letter to Photographic Artists :
French version HERE
- Laura Albiac Vilas
- Michael Cohen
- Laurent Ballesta
- Adrian Steirn
- Klaus Nigge
At the end of this month, Antibes’ Marineland will close the “Wildlife Photographer of the Year” (WPI) photography exhibition dedicated to the wonders of wildlife captured in the privacy of their natural environment.
These artists/authors are very probably not aware that the Marine Circus makes use of their work, in addition to all the permanent strategies of the Park : Marineland's constant objective is to endorse and confuse the minds and especially those of the youngest (see the many articles on this subject in this Blog).
Is it the act of an Artist's Agent who is a little too distracted?
No, it is indeed the WPI organizer who, kicking the question, gives the following answer to the questions :
No, it is indeed the WPI organizer who, kicking the question gives the following answer to the questions :
Thank you for your message regarding your concerns with the exhibition of WPY at Marineland Antibes.
The Natural History Museum's purpose is to inspire a love of our natural work. Therefore, we take the world's greatest wildlife photography to the broadest audience possible.
We apply the principles and process of our Ethics and Third Party Engagement Policies to new and existing venues for our touring exhibitions. Marineland Antibes is a member of the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria and subject to its strict standards and codes which aim to improve animal welfare, education, research and conservation.We take seriously the concerns raised and will consider these issues as we review our policies.
Best wishes,
The WPY Team
Until then they had not heard about anything disturbing on the problems related to the exploitation of animals in the Marine Parks, from Sea World... to the Marineland of Antibes,
They didn't see anything,
listened to nothing,
heard nothing,
and it is therefore a privilege to open the eyes of the Wildlife Photographer of the Year!
We cannot even imagine that these animal photographers, privileged witnesses of a nature to be preserved, are accomplices of the moral swindle that the Marineland Park is used to practicing.
Green washing as usual
This magnificent Exhibition collides head-on with this place. Marineland is a pure negation of nature: its strictly commercial concept causes so much suffering and it is at the exact opposite of the rare perceptions that image hunters seek to communicate to us in their work, their works.The exhibition opened on April 1st, like a season's bad joke, and it is therefore a question here of alerting them both so that such a drift does not occur any more.
These artists are the first victims of this error, whom we hope are non-consensual.
Manipulate, manipulate the brains, there will always be something left of them!
This exhibition cannot be compatible with a commercial enterprise that allows itself to produce the kind of petition above addressed "to the government" by on-the-job trained trainers fearing for their jobs.
A petition whose initiator passes himself off to the public (and by omission) as an honourable Foundation of Public Interest (by not specifying the type of Foundation) when in fact it is only a very ordinary Corporate Foundation.
A petition to the inept and unintentional comedian (read carefully its contents).
An obscene petition aiming to "continue night shows, and allow the reproduction (artificial insemination)" of these hardly known extraordinary animals... for their well-being, of course!
Translated with
Thanks to Nath Tahaa for the final cut.
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